Electronic Books

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From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and more

Almost 50 years after the proposal of Lee and Young in 1956 to test the hypothesis of parity violation in weak interactions ...

Lee mas
Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics

This course explores nuclear physics and its applications ranging from the structure of nuclei and their reactions, to astrophysics ...

Lee mas
Nishina Memorial Lectures : Creators of Modern Physics

This volume is a collection of Nishina Memorial Lectures delivered by distinguished physicists during the past 50 years at ...

Lee mas
Particles and Nuclei

To cope with modern developments, especially in nuclear physics research, this textbook presents nuclear and particle physics ...

Lee mas
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

In this book, quantum mechanics is developed from the outset on a relativistic basis, using the superposition principle, ...

Lee mas
The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon

It seems to be a strange enterprise to attempt write a physics book about a single number. It was not my idea to do so, but ...

Lee mas
Theory of Light Hydrogenic Bound States

The book describes the modern theory of light hydrogen-like systems, and the discussion is based on quantum electrodynamics. ...

Lee mas
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